Turning Point Discovery Center is a Haven for Childhood Learning and Self Discovery

Trenton’s latest children’s museum offers a STEAM-based approach for young visitors and encourages play, discovery, exploration, and learning.

TRENTON, NEW JERSEY, March 31, 2023 — According to a study supported by the Smith Family Foundation and the Burke Foundation, access to pre-K programs is sorely lacking in the city of Trenton. Parents and caregivers of young children have limited options within the community for resources to foster the minds of their children. The Turning Point Discovery Center, which is set to open its doors in the Fall of 2022 is hoping to change this. 

Katherine Nunnally, the force behind the development of Turning Point Discovery Center draws from her experiences as a teacher to lead her through this journey of development. “It is crucial that children are exposed to STEAM [science, technology, engineering, art, and math] activities at a young age to give them a foundation for future learning—especially Black and Brown children.” 

To that end, Turning Point Discovery Center will be packed with opportunities for kids to explore and tinker with the sciences, understand technology, and build a strong grasp of mathematical properties. This will, of course, be done through fun and engaging displays, structured activities, and frequent special events. 

Rounding out the children’s museum’s mission is a commitment to celebrating the diversity and impact of Trenton’s rich history. “It’s important for children to relate to great figures of the past. African American and persons of color, people who look like them. People who have overcome obstacles. People who can inspire,” Ms. Nunnally emphasized. 

To bring the past into the present, Turning Point Discovery Center will feature historical displays and artifacts that bring important figures of the past to life. No longer will the rich history of Trenton be something a child has to search for—it will be in reach within the walls of the museum. Understanding the past can help inspire a better future, especially when it inspires the mind of a child.  

And speaking of a better future, the Turning Point Discovery Center is part of a larger plan which will continue Trenton’s Renaissance. The museum will create at least 15 jobs to start and will be a hub for celebrating all Trenton has to offer. 

Turning Part Discovery Center is a haven for the young mind and a muse for the soul. All are welcome. Join us as we build a robust and fulfilling future one visit at a time.

The Turning Point Discovery Center helps children jumpstart their imagination and tap into their creative genius. Children explore the history of African Americans in Trenton as the turning point for American freedom and through STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) discover the world around them. The museum is scheduled to open its doors in spring 2024.

If you would like more information on Turning Point Discovery Center, please contact Andrea Kelliher with Positive Solutions. She can be reached at 609.865.5494 or andrea@positivesolutionsteam.com.

Contact: Andrea Kelliher
Phone: 609.865.5494
Email: andrea@positivesolutionsteam.com


Building a Robust and Fulfilling Future One Visit at a Time