Discover. Play. Explore. Learn!
At Turning Point Discovery Center, children of all ages will explore a world of science and history where they can play, learn, and be inspired.
Welcome to Turning Point Discovery Center! We’re here to help children of all ages jumpstart their imagination and tap into their creative genius through S.T.E.A.M.
Our fusion of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) merged with History will help children explore the stories of African Americans in Trenton as the turning point for American freedom. Through this lens, we highlight the amazing stories of Black and Brown people in Trenton.
Our anticipated opening is Winter 2024.
Our New Facility in Trenton
Serving children of all ages and residents of Trenton and visitors from across the region
Turning Point Discovery Center is dedicated to young students who love to tinker, disassemble, invent and create. In the near future, we will host activities & workshops for kids of all ages.
Play, learn, and discover
The Turning Point Discovery Center…
…is in the heart of Downtown Trenton;
…lives in a 10,000 square foot building with interactive displays and educational opportunity for children;
…hosts exhibits and activities that focus on science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics;
…reaches children ages newborn to 14 years; and
…highlights the rich history of the City of Trenton.